Blue man? No, Blue egg man (Raw Egg on Rice)

If you visit in Japan, you need to try once TKG cooking recipe. TKG stands for Tamago-Kake-Gohan means Raw Egg on Rice. It is Japanese traditional egg cooking recipe. I know it sounds very strange for people out side of Japan but it is one of most popular simple egg recipe and taste is incredible.

The key of this cooking recipe is You need to use very fresh egg. More fresh, more tasty so I Only cook TKG whenever I get it very fresh ones. I accidentally found interesting egg is called ” Blue egg of Happiness” from one of local farmer’s market in Yokosuka Japan. Let’s try get in to it.

I just wonder how are blue eggs made?
Blue Eggs have a pale blue shell and thess eggs are produced by Araucana, a type of chickens that originally from Chile in South America. Araucana is called “chicken that brings happiness.” Araucana egg more expensive than regular eggs because it contains more nutritious including vitamins A, D, E, DHA, etc. Araucana cannot produce many eggs because they are not strong for stress.

Now Let’s move to how to make TKG style egg cooking recipe. You need to prepare 3 things. 1) fresh egg 2) cooked rice 3) soy-source. That ‘s it. How simple!! Once again, freshness is key for this recipe so Don’t try not to use cheap stuff. (Also Don’t try it in cheap Izakaya or cheap Japanese restaurants. I am Not highly recommend)  Please try it expensive soy-source and good quality rice as much as you can. This is the our final goal to get the blue happiness.

Lastly, how was the taste of the blue happiness egg? I was surprised that the egg itself is yellow color (I expected egg is also blue) but the teste was absolutely excellent. (I exaggerated my comment)

-It is great taste if I compare with regular eggs.
-No much different. compere to other good expensive eggs, to be earnest.

It is perfect combination of egg and rice. It is why Japanese love TKG, cozy soul food for long time.

Shop Info: Sukana-gosso
Address: 1-15-15 Nagai, Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan
Access: 10 mins by Bus from  Misaki-guchi station

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